Sunday, November 27, 2016 Daily STEEM Faucet Payout Increased 500%

(Click image above to visit STEEM daily faucet)

Daily STEEM Faucet Payout Increased 500%

Visit today and sign up for an account to start earning FREE STEEM every day simply by visiting the site! You can withdraw any amount you wish any time you like, no minimum withdrawals or withdraw fees! Go sign up and start earning STEEM the easy way!

Faucet Now Pays Out 0.005 STEEM / Day!

Excited to greatly increase the faucet payout after using some of the STEEM from the announcement payout to fund the upcoming weeks on as we help spread the token to those who would like to test out the wallet and STEEM network!

Go Ahead, Sign up for a Account Today
Start Earning a free 0.005 STEEM / Day on the faucet!

Achieving basic income for our users through 
the daily faucet is a step closer to utopia.

Vote @klye for Witness!

You can vote for me easily by clicking the link above and upvoting klye

A Proud STEEMbassador of Canada
(News on @steemcanada Campaign Soon!)

5% of STEEM Payout Received 
From This Post Towards Faucet Funding!

Author: @klye
SteemDaily © 2016. Member of Steemit Community.