Thursday, December 01, 2016

Introducing SteemWrite - Post Drafts

Hello all, this is a project I @keverw have been working on. I've been working on this for about 2 months now, and I'm releasing it as an early preview/alpha to get feedback and see if people would be interested in an app like this before I continue development on it more.

This is a desktop app that lets you edit your posts, publish new posts. The app works currently, you can basically use it now to save drafts locally and publish them. It also syncs with the blockchain and downloads your existing posts. This app is based on Electron. It works on Mac and Windows. Linux should also work if compiled for it, but I haven't attempted to use this on Linux yet. This app is open source on Github

The scheduling system, handing deleted posts and deleting posts along with an update system isn't done at this point. I'd like to rewrite this to be more organized and use a framework such as React or Angular instead of using Jquery and manually doing everything UI wise. I feel like using such a framework I could do more with less code. That seems like the current trend with development nowadays, and I feel that'd be more productive once you master the different paradigms.

Things like spellcheck is a bit wonky too, you can know there's an error but no way to correct it. Also no ctrl-f. I think if I were to rewrite this I'd probably build my own custom editor around contenteditable that's lightweight and work on getting the right click correction menu working.

The editor shows posts you wrote already too:

Right now the editor is pretty useful to just write, save as drafts until ready to publish. Also you can use it to manage multiple accounts too.

You can also preview your post within the app too.

There's also a full view editing which works on both platforms,

Right now there's no software updater for this, so follow @steemwrite for official updates

Author: @steemwrite
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