I've just deployed a first release of my new web app steempunks.com. This is a beta version and steempunks app is under active development. The roadmap is extensive and I'm working on both new analytics and tools.
Why build steempunks.com?
- To merge Steem, steampunk and cypherpunk into a glorious pun
- To provide a more in-depth metrics and analytics reports without further cluttering the daily metrics posts with a long list of charts and tables. I'll be slowly evolving daily reports in the direction of curated trends, events and anomalies.
- To provide interactive elements for better report UX/UI.
- To create a user facing control dashboard for the curation bot.
- To provide individual reporting dashboards.
- To improve metrics experience for users of mobile devices. Currently, Steempunks charts are a bit broken for small screens but better than on steemit.
- For fun and profit.
- Volume Weighted
- Active Human* Stakeholder
- Active Authors
- New Accounts
- Number of Posts
- Number of Comments
- Liquid STEEM/SBD Payouts
Steempunks Tech Stack
- Postgres 9.6 and Elixir ETL system
- JavaScript 2016/2017
- RxJS 5-beta
- React 15.4
- create-react-app boilerplate
- This is 0.1 release. The order of implementation of new features will depend on community feedback and adoption.
- Better mobile experience
- Significantly more charts, tables and visualizations
- Realtime dashboards
- Personal analytics
- Curation and linkback bot controls
Get in touch with me if you'd like to be a beta tester